Categories: Gardening

10 Tips For Saving Time In The Garden

Today’s guest post comes from Tee Riddle, Author of Veggie Gardener.

Saving Time In The Garden

Just about every gardener faces a few battles while growing their favorite vegetables or flowers. Two of the most difficult battles always seem to be time and space. It is difficult to do anything about the size of your property, but there are some things you can do to save time when maintaining your garden. Whether you are retired, or a mom on the go, here are ten tips to help you save precious time in the garden.

  1. Don’t Start Too Big – You may have dreams of a huge garden filled with your favorite flowers and vegetables, but take into account that the larger the garden the more maintenance it will require. Try not to grow a garden that takes up more time than you can commit.
  2. Be Prepared – Make sure that you have all the tools and supplies you need before the growing season begins. Stock up on garden gloves, compost, and fertilizers when items are on sale during the fall or winter. When spring rolls around you will have everything you need, saving countless trips to the garden center.
  3. Purchase Brightly Colored Tools – Purchase tools with brightly colored handles. This can save you a ton of time looking for them while working in the garden. The bright handles will be easier to spot laying under a plant or mulch.
  4. Organize Your Tools – It pays time-saving dividends to have your tool shed, or tool box, neatly organized before and after working in your garden. You can easily build a rack or shelving to arrange your tools in an easy-to-find fashion.
  5. Place Containers Together – If you use containers for your gardening, try to place them in one location. This will make tasks like watering and fertilizing much easier.
  6. Grow Your Garden In A Convenient Location – Plant vegetables or flowers in a location that is easily accessible. Grow them near the home, a frequently used walkway, or patio. The easier the garden is to access, the more time you will save when maintaining it. Also, the more the garden is in your sight, the more it will be on your mind. This can serve as a daily reminder of what tasks you need to perform in the garden.
  7. Great Soil, Great Results – Start your garden with the best soil possible. Add compost and other organic amendments for a nutrient-rich soil. Starting out with great soil will help to prevent problems down the road, saving you valuable time and money.
  8. Mulch It – Use hay, wheat straw, or untreated grass clippings as a mulch in your garden. A 2 to 4-inch layer of mulch will cut your weeding down dramatically. Mulch will also help to keep moisture in the soil, reducing the need for watering. The mulch will also slowly decompose adding valuable nutrients to the soil.You can cut down on watering and prevent weeds in one quick step – it’s a win-win situation.
  9. Go Walk About – Walk through your garden at least once every other day. Check plants for any signs of pest or disease damage. Doing a frequent spot-check of your garden can help you detect issues before they get out of hand. It only takes a couple minutes, and can save you lots of time and heartache later on.
  10. Work Smarter, Not Harder – Use ergonomically designed tools, knee pads, or roll-around stools when working in the garden. This will lessen the strain on muscles and joints. Lift items using your knees, not your back. Keeping your body pain-free will mean you will work much more efficiently and happily in the garden.

Implementing these time-saving tips will give you greater enjoyment in the garden – not to mention more time for relaxing in the hammock!


Tee Riddle is obsessed with growing great organic vegetables. He even tried growing butter beans in the bed of his truck once. You can read more of his gardening tips at his vegetable gardening blog, Veggie Gardener.

Todd Fratzel

I'm full time builder for a large construction company in New Hampshire. I run their design-build division that specializes in custom homes, commercial design-build projects and sub-divisions. I'm also a licensed civil and structural engineer with extensive experience in civil and structural design and home construction. My hope is that I can share my experience in the home construction, home improvement and home renovation profession with other builders and home owners. I'm also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Tool Box Buzz. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or you'd like to inquire about advertising on this site.

View Comments

  • Great advice! Several of the tips work together...for instance, if the garden is in an out-of-the-way place, then you'll have a hard time remembering to walk through it every other day. So, keep it close by, and you'll check on it more often. I know that makes a big difference for me. Last year I tried container gardening, and kept them just outside my main entryway. Every time I went outside I saw the container garden, and so did everyone who came to see me. That was a great incentive to keep things looking nice!

    Stan Horst

  • Hi Stan - Locating the garden in an accessible area is very important. The more you are aware of the garden, the more you will take some time to tend to it.

    It can be tough for someone with a hectic lifestyle to find the time to just walk through it a little each day. Between running kids to soccer practices, chorus rehearsals, and preparing dinner, the garden can get left behind.

    That's why taking care of things a couple minutes each day is much better than letting it pile up so that it takes 2 hours on a weekend.

  • Great tips. Another one you might not overlook is having your seeds started early. A lot of times when I am ready to go out and plant, I am wishing I had started my seeds ahead of time so that I have a head start. It is nice to have seedlings to plan rather than having to wait for something to grow straight from seed. If you plant starters, they are easier to maintain and watch because you can keep them close to the house!

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